Was that too fast for you (or maybe just too hard to read)? Well those sentences were based on IDWs portrayal of Blurr and is fitting because Generations Blurr is also based on IDWs ideas of Blurr. Now we are getting a nice look at this remold of Generations Drift with a new head, different weapons, and a smaller spoiler.
Exchanging guns for blades, Blurr will come with two pistols and a much larger rifle. Even with the new armaments, the Pistols will fit into the hip holsters that Drifts cleaver blades fit into originally and his rifle will still side nicely on his back (like that giant sword of Drifts) and fit under him in vehicle mode.
Blurr will become available with Dirge when Wave 4 of Generations is released. But for now, enjoy the images!