Thanks to 2005 Boards member Fuze9 for giving us the heads up of our first US sighting of the new Transformers Legacy United Star Raider Deluxe Lockdown.
Lockdown was spotted at Burbank Empire Walmart in California. Still no sign of the rest of Star Raiders Deluxes yet. Don’t forget that the Star Raiders sub-line is a Walmart exclusive in the US.
Happy hunting!
I know this is the US thread but I'm banking on being able to decently easily be able to find Star Raiders soon (Ontario, Canadaaaaaaa). All the stores in my area seem to be doing inventory, and the one location that DID have them was already done with it. Managed to scoop up Filch & Roadpig yesterday.
Yeah my local Walmart just finished their reset and there is no spot for Star Raiders and massively reduced spacing for any non-gimmick product. Leaders are completely gone.
I don’t know if they just pulled a Walmart and completely dropped the ball on these for physical retail or if they’re holding it all back for the winter reset or what.
I really appreciated by Cannonball and Filch orders getting cancelled though, that was dope.
I happened across the current planogram. I don’t see any spot for Legacy Leaders, only a few spots for Legacy Deluxes and Voyagers, and nothing specifically for this capsule.View attachment 30502165
Liege Nemesis
Sorry, nope. I honestly got the Thundertron set for the other two and not for Thundertron (who I had just gotten the standard legacy solo release within the last month or so).
Guessing you don't want to sell the cassette… Nightstrike?
The only "difficulty" in finding Filch will be if Lockdown shelfwarms so had that the walmarts don't restock the deluxes.
I think a few people are just worried because she sold out online quicker than any other Star Raider had. So instead of being shortpacked perhaps she's a lot more popular than a lot of us thought. But she's the highlight of these Deluxe's for me with Cannonball being a maybe if there's no stress in finding Filch at one of my local Walmarts
Not in-store, but got the notification this morning that they canceled my preorder for Lockdown. I'm not as disappointed because I was considering cancelling anyway. Got too many figs and not enough places to display them!
It does greatly. Thank you. No info in my stores system so it doesn't look like we are getting them. Maybe like the Toxitrons and they'll show up in 9 months
Then you shouldn't have made an incorrect comparison with Cosmos when she isn't short packed.
Chill. In 6 months everyone will be complaining how they can't find Prime wave 1 in Walmart because the shelves are clogged with Filch and the rest of the pirates. Hell, it may even be half price at Ross or Ollie's by then.
And why wouldnt she not get reissued?
If theres demand for one, i dont see why they wouldnt
Lazlo Hollyfeld
Wow. This is the Wal-Mart I go to and it has been TERRIBLE in terms of selection and releases for at least a year. Almost the entire Transformers selection had been replaced by Godzilla x Kong stuff for the last couple months. The Target in the same plaza is usually way better. Looks like I'll have to check WM out again.
This is about FILCH. Who won't be.
But SHE won't be.
Hope this helps…
where road pig
Cosmos was shortpacked because there were 5 deluxes in Velocitron wave 1. There are 4 deluxe pirates this year, so they are each getting 2 per case.
Lore Keeper
Unless I'm wrong, she's not short packed like Cosmos was, so I really don't see why she's so hard to find.