Hasbro Transformers designer Mark Maher has taken to his Instagram this morning to share some behind the scenes details on a new figure, this time Legacy United Deluxe Cyberverse Windblade!
“Oh my my my, a Monday Morning #Markclonus post! Mmm mmm 😋
Feast your 👀 on the mighty fiesty fan favorite Legacy United Deluxe Cyberverse Windblade!
Koki Yamada san has just been blessing these Legacy Generations figures and my excitement to work with him cannot be contained!
She does resemble her appearance in Cyberverse as I felt in my heart her character persona and features in that series really stood out. But, this figure adopts traits and style tidbits from her first generations figure and her appearance in the machinima series. I did peek at alot of the comic styles of her and the Legacy United fusion has welcomed this sleek, aerodynamic version of her to slice into your collection.
Move over Knockout, cause this heart throb is a fierce warrior with a plethora of abilities. Her stormfall sword will ignite with energon essence due to its shear power. Her tessen head fan actually has a special ability that can assist with her city speaker powers but I’ll let you all play that story out on your own! Her face deco came out so clean and gorgeous, I focus alot of energy towards head sculpts as I feel its what brings the soul of the character to life.
Please enjoy the rotating turbofans in this super sonic jet mode. The stormfall swords turbine hilt is able to be plugged into her side thigh and also can be utilized as a fire blast engine effect. Did I mention the cockpit seats that Koki san slipped in there, bringing them diaclone pilot vibes back into the mainstream is always welcomed.
Up next…?”
Holy shit why doesn't she look like how she did in the concept art? like damn what a fucking downgrade, sometimes i wonder if her design is the reason why she hasn't gotten a good toy.
She looks like she's about to blow her energon goodies.
I’ve found myself having to explain why Cyberverse is great far too many times to assume everyone even watched it. I recognize that the first season didn’t seem promising, but holy crap did those who dropped it then miss out on some comics level brilliance and madness.
I do see Cyberverse Windblade in the legs – stompy boots! – but the alt mode definitely doesn’t look right. She was almost more of a prop plane than a jet. Any third parties interested in making a figure that will appeal to about 7 people?
I agree with your message, but gotta ask how much hentai you’ve been looking at to notice this trend. ;P
Yes please! The air and emergency vehicles from Armada were brilliant. There’s something so satisfying about a tiny little triple changer.
Have bought any of the Rise of the Beasts weapon dudes? They’re fun to fiddle with. Airrazor, Primal, and Rhinox notably.
It’s a great figure. The fact sculpt hits the mark
Dome Zero
The more I look at this figure the more I think, maybe I should sock some money away over the next 2-3 months and get that Legends Windblade toy I've always wanted. I know there are a lot of criticisms of that figure, but it really captures the earnest, civil service-oriented, kind of square Windblade that I loved from the Mairghread Scott comics. Which I get is my problem and not this figure's. I've been sitting here trying to figure out why I'm not warming to this toy and I realized that it's because even though she looks a lot like my Windblade, she's just not my Windblade.
Thicc thighs save lives
She’s not fat. We know our own.
it's literally been 5 or so years since her last figure that wasn't a cyberverse repack. she definitely needed an update with the new posability and engineering, even if her old figures could pose pretty well. for a character that was a pretty big name in the franchise for a good few years, she's been rather absent lately.
also wtf do you mean by "she sure is fat"?
have the unrealistic body standards of internet artwork eroded your mind's perception of normal humanoid proportions?
I did the same and part swapped some to get accurate colors (like Nightstick and Fracas), but it would have been nice to have a little more variation in their overall shape. I think there were only 3 overall gun molds, and 2 of those were mold shares.
I picked up a bunch of extras, and did part swaps where I could to make some extra ones.
More Targetmasters are one thing I would love to see from Hasbro or Third Party companies. Battlemasters like Pteraxadon that can also be an Axe or a Bow (looking at you Flamewar), and Smashdown with his being a hammer, would also be appreciated.
I’d love a boxed set of just Gun and Melee weapon battlemaster repaints.
Some of the minicons and micromasters with weapon modes were great too, some not so great, and in general the combination weapons were flimsy at best.
ahhh so you're the guy going through all the online hentai and tagging every anime girl who has room for internal organs as "BBW"
Agreed, there really wasn't enough of them if you ask me
Yeah, that was one of the driving factors in my picking up and choosing that Megatron for my defacto modern G1 Megatron, up until then I had been using Henkei Megatron. Kind of how I was using Music Label Soundwave up until the Netflix Soundwave came out.
I just wish there were a few more Battlemaster Guns, I mean G1 Targetmaster style, more so than the Rise of the Beasts ones.
She sure is fat.
Seriously didn't need another figure of her, especially one that isn't directly accurate to anything but rather a mish-mash. But I mean she's never been a bad design, despite the over done and somewhat random Asian pandering that takes place on her head only. So it's a nice figure, just much rather would have had something else. There are so many characters desperate for an update.
I wonder how much the deco on her face factors into how much they can tinker with the tooling of the actual toy since it is so integral to her look
If you want to be character accurate, there is the Battlemaster Pinpointer that came with WFC Netflix Megatron
I’ve been wanting to try and pick that particular version up too.
I like the look of this version to a degree, probably put her with my Animated figures if I pick her up.
I really hope the mold gets different wings for when they do Slipstream, particularly forward swept wings like the Transformers Animated Seeker design, and of course Null Rays in place of the sword.
The target master for Legends. It doesn’t hurt to ask.
i mean, you could just give her a random gun you have laying around. plus she's traditionally been a sword wielder in most continuities
I don't know why she'd need that, seen as she's almost never seen with a gun lol
So maybe a 3rd party upgrade is the only way for her to have a gun or blaster of sorts?