CM’s Corp have updated their homepage with some official photography of their upcoming Gutto Kuru Minerva Nightbeat Edition. The figure is a recolor based on the Headmaster partner to Nightbeat, whose mold was also used to make Minerva originally. In the vein of the US-themed set, there is also an additional Hi-Q head included for use with the upcoming CM’s Ginrai to give him his US look – it’s a really cool little add on, and very appropriate given we’re about to return to the Marvel Generation 1 comic universe this July, where Hi-Q was a major character! Check out all the images by clicking on the link above.
I'm actually really interested in these, although I would probably only get one Minerva. Do the spare head pieces actually work with G1 Headmaster bodies, or are they just there for decoration? I really hope they don't host too much. If they're US$60-$70 each, that'd be okay. I think if I buy any of them, it'll be the regular Minerva, although whether or not I also buy Ginrai depends on how his paint job turns out.
General Tekno
You know, quite honestly, I kinda want the Nightbeat deco one more.
And that's entirely because the deco by pure coincidence is pretty much that of a character of mine's armor.
(Said armor's loosely patterned after Transmetal Airazor; but with that deco layout, honestly, that Minerva comes pretty close to the modern color layout I use.)
Girl Pants
I don't think she's up for order anywhere yet. But the Gutto Kuru line tends to go for at least $60 and up usually. Given that she's got a good few transformable accessories, I could see her being among the more mid-to-expensive range closer to $100 or more.
And this is before shipping from Japan. This won't be cheap.
What's the going pre-order prices?
Girl Pants
Definitely getting the regular Minerva and Ginrai and probably any others they put out.
I would love to have Giga and Mega in this line.
Ginrai gets all the chicks, it seems.
I might pick up Minerva. I never watched Masterforce, but I like her design.
She looks really good, not enough for the price. Sonico on the other hand…
Sol Fury
Such nice looking figures – I kinda want to get this one for the Hi-Q head!
guard convoy
i hope minerva has that shade of red, the sheen is gorgeous on it
i'm just waiting for the damn pre-orders for both her and ginrai to go up
??????????????????? – CM's?????1000?????